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Chris­tine Costello    Piano, Voice & Music The­ory Instruc­tor


Chris­tine holds a BA in Music from Mount Holyoke Col­lege and a Mas­ters of Music from the Uni­ver­sity of Con­necti­cut. She has been a MA Cer­ti­fied teacher as well as a pro­fes­sional vocal and key­board per­former for over 25 years. Using a wide vari­ety of reper­toire, Mrs. Costello approaches vocal instruc­tion with a focus on healthy singing, ear train­ing, and the devel­op­ment of sight-reading skills, using edu­ca­tion­ally proven method­ol­ogy. She is pas­sion­ate about proper key­board tech­nique, and will moti­vate piano stu­dents to achieve their musi­cal goals through rudi­men­tary exer­cises, short pieces in var­i­ous gen­res, and large scale piano works, when appropriate.



 Con­tact Chris­tine to sched­ule your first lesson!




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